
Kansas City University College of Dental Medicine Receives SCUP Excellence in Architecture Award

Each year, the Society for College and University Planning (SCUP) Excellence Awards “honors achievement in strategic, integrated planning that results in exemplary buildings and grounds, institutional success, and careers that inspire.” At this year’s SCUP National Conference in Philadelphia, Kansas City University’s (KCU) College of Dental Medicine (CDM) was recognized with an Excellence in Architecture Special Citation.
Three women on stage during a conference
With only three dental schools in a four-state region across Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma, and Arkansas, there is a critical need for educating and training future generations of dentists — and more importantly, encouraging these professionals to practice in rural areas. Designed in collaboration with SmithGroup, the CDM will help mitigate rural health inequities, provide a gateway to holistic patient care, and support the future of equitable health care. In alignment with their values, KCU is now able to make a significant impact on oral health for the communities in Joplin and beyond. 

The new facility provides innovative education through simulation and state-of-the-art technology, and the Oral Health Center gives students the opportunity to obtain real-world experience on actual patients in need of care. In recognizing the CDM, this year’s jury noted that the project is a “great story about rebirth from a disaster” and “supports health in many ways… [it] deserves a lot of attention for what it has achieved for the community.”

This award is a testament to the aspirational vision of our clients at Kansas City University and outstanding efforts of the entire project team, including: SmithGroup; JE Dunn Construction; Olsson; Confluence; FSC, Inc.; and Ricca Design Studios.

Learn more about this year’s Excellence in Architecture winners here.

Three women on stage during a conference